Website: Fine Cooking

Heirloom Tomato and Peach Salad
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Salads
Tags: peaches tomato salads gazpacho
Recipe Reviews
sturlington from Hillsborough, NC
This salad was a tad bitter, surprisingly, because it had so many sweet components. I tasted all the ingredients and they were lovely, so I don't know what the bitter component was. It was much, much better the next day as a blended gazpacho, as suggested. In fact, if I made it again, I'd skip the salad and go straight to the soup!
(edited 30th July 2012) (0) comment (0) useful
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
This salad combines tomatoes (I didn't use heirloom tomatoes, just very ripe red tomatoes and Zima yellow tomatoes) and peaches in a 2/1 ratio, along with some thinly sliced red onion. The dressing is made of EVOO, OJ, balsamic vinegar,soy sauce, and a bit of lemon zest. After adding the dressing to the peaches and tomatoes, fresh chopped mint and basil are added, and then seasoned to taste.
When I tasted this just after making it, it was quite ordinary -- an hour later it was very tasty indeed.
I used it as the topping/dressing for a grilled flank steak salad (romaine/arugula mix) and it worked very well.
I made a half recipe so I didn't have a lot left over ... just enough to try the author's suggestion of putting any leftovers in a blender to make gazpacho. I came out with just enough gazpacho for two small appetizer portions for tonight.
8/7 -- Works just fine as a gazpacho -- I only had enough left for the appetizer portions but added some diced avocado and freshened with a bit of chopped basil and it was very nice.
(edited 7th August 2011) (0) comment (0) useful
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