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Slow Cooker Revolution

Mashed Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Milk and Cilantro

Page 255

Cuisine: Caribbean | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)


Recipe Review

4th September 2011

Peckish Sister from Central, FL

Other than light coconut milk there is not a lot of fat and sugar added. This recipe can be made ahead and sit in the crock pot for an hour or so if you are busy. I was hoping for more intense flavors and I am not sure if I prefer it over baked sweet potatoes. I did the mashing by hand as suggested and think the lumpy texture could be improved with a food processor. If you are looking for an alternative sweet potato recipe that is not all butter, sugar, pecans, etc., then this is a good one to try. It was a very pretty dark orange contrasting nicely with the dark cilantro.

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