Rose's Celebrations
By Rose Levy Beranbaum
William Morrow & Co - 1992
ISBN: 0688119468

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Rose's Celebrations

Bistro-Style Pork Chops with Lima Beans

Page 146

Cuisine: French | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: Rose Levy Beranbaum pork chops lima beans quick and easy

Recipe Reviews

6th September 2011

lovesgenoise from , MA

This makes a quick and easy weeknight dish, and is a great way to make pork chops. My chops were at the thin end of the range specified, and I found they cooked more quickly than the recipe specified. That may also be because I have an electric stove, so "low" may be hotter than with a gas range. I took them off the heat as they approached 160F on an instant-read thermometer.

In the French style, the garlic is left whole for cooking and then removed before serving, and it stays in the background, the dish is not too garlicky.

I may have been lax about stirring the lima beans enough, because they seemed to be a little unevenly cooked (some were undercooked). I think next time I may give them a quick boil/drain before sauteeing them. But that's me, not the recipe.

The only thing I would change about the recipe is to pull back on the thyme, it is a little too much for me.

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