Flavour First
By John Burton Race
Quadrille Publishing Ltd - 2008
ISBN: 1844004503

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Flavour First
By John Burton Race
Quadrille Publishing Ltd - 2010
ISBN: 1844008282

Flavour First

Roast Loin of Pork with a Cider Sauce

Page 172

| Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: pork apples roast cider roast pork

Recipe Reviews

27th December 2011

friederike from Berlin,

It's really hard to judge this one as I believe it might have come down to the fact that we just had the wrong cut of meat! Ours was dry after only one hour (instead of 1 1/2 hours) and pretty lean, instead of juicy and slightly fatty, and had no crust to speak of. The sauce was very nice, but we left it too liquid as there would have been too little otherwise. It's possible that it's a simple translator's fault (Dutch version), as that seemed to be the problem elsewhere too.

Served alongside Baked Apples with Prunes and Walnuts, potatoes and salad, with Shallot Tarte Tatin as a starter and Gingerbread Soufflé with Cranberry Sauce as dessert.

(edited 12th October 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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