The Duck Cookbook
By James Peterson
Stewart, Tabori and Chang - 2003
ISBN: 1584792957

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The Duck Cookbook

Braised Duck Legs with Red Cabbage and Juniper Berries

Page 41

Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)


Recipe Review

23rd February 2010

aj12754 from Montclair, NJ

This James Peterson recipe was terrific and eminently doable by the duck neophyte (which I am). I did have a little bit of trouble ensuring that I had enough braising liquid (the recipe was for 12 servings and I only needed three so I was dividing by four -- which left me with a little less braising liquid than I would have liked) so I just winged it and added more as needed and it all turned out just fine. The duck was moist and rich and flavorful and the braised cabbage (flavored with a red onion, apples, juniper berries, and balsamic vinegar) was the perfect accompaniment. The aroma of the dish was lovely and appetizing as well the presentation.

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