Perfect Recipes for Having People Over

Really Good Lasagna
Page 35
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Main Courses

Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Maybe this should be titled "pretty good" lasagna. When thumbing through this cookbook, I realized that I had not prepared lasagna for years. This lasagna requires two sauces - a bolognese-style sauce (with prosciutto and ground beef, vermouth, tomatoes, vegetables and milk) and a Parmesan white sauce (alfredo-like). Relatively little cheese - some Parm and though it called for fontina, I couldn't find any, and used the internet suggested alternate, Provolone.
The lasagna was definitely good, but not worth the amount of work it required (about 4 hours!). The family has proposed that we test a different lasagna a month. Stay tuned...
(edited 9th November 2012) (0) comment (0) useful
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