The Pie and Pastry Bible

Flaky Cheddar Cheese Pie Crust
Page 39
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Pies and Tarts

Recipe Reviews
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
This turned out to be a crisp flavorful, delicious crust. I only had unbleached white flour, so I added one third whole wheat flour so it would not turn out tough. I made it for the empanadas and it worked very well for that. This dough requires a lot of chilling, so plan for plenty of time, it is worth the wait. My only disappointment was that I did not notice that 1 ½ of a recipe was called for, and so I was short. I rolled each piece of dough to the 6” circle on my new pastry mat and then evened up the edges when forming the empanadas, instead of rolling out an individual piece and cutting out a circle with a template. (Thanks to Queezel Sister for noticing that grams were more sensitive than ounces, I have been weighing everything in grams and it is working well.) I wanted to try the author’s suggestion to bake the scraps for snacks; you will want more when you taste it.
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