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Madhur Jaffrey's World-of-the-East Vegetarian Cooking

Neela's Eggplant and Potato

Page 26

Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Sides

(2 reviews)

Tags: vegetarian potatoes vegan eggplant Indian

Recipe Review

11th December 2011

NurseBobbi from Springfield, VA

I've been making this vegetable side dish since the early '80s. It's easy to prepare and is flavored with black mustard seed, coriander, cumin, and turmeric. I omit the cayenne because I like it a bit milder. I'd suggest giving yourself a little more time for simmering than instructed; it's always taken me a bit longer to cook it.

(3) useful  


Leeka - 12th December 2011
Oh Bobbi, I used to own this book but can't find it and I simply love eggplant. This dish sounds like something I would adore making, especially with those particular spices.


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