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The Cook's Illustrated Cookbook: 2,000 Recipes from 20 Years of America's Most Trusted Cooking Magazine

Broccoli-Cheese Soup

Page 82

| Course Type: Soups and Stews

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

28th December 2011

skdouglass from Orcutt, CA

Keeper. Those as ate, praised. Easy to do and uses primarily pantry staples.

My changes: Used half again as much broccoli since it collapses down into nothing. Substituted an additional 2 c. chicken broth for 2 c. water. 3. Used half again as much of both cheeses; my experience with CI/ATK recipes is that they tend to be a little stingy with the cheese.

Recommend using a blender for pureeing. Since I had the food processor out and dirty from grating the cheese, I used it - messy and cumbersome.

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