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Culinaria Spain

Merluza a la Sidra / Hake with Cider

Page 202

Cuisine: Spanish/Portugese | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Tags: fish apples cooking with alcohol cider lean fish hake fish/seafood with fruit

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5th September 2012

friederike from Berlin,

So-so. While DH definitely wasn't enthousiast, I did see it's shortcomings, but I could also imagine that if I were served this in a cheap little restaurant somewhere on the Spanish coast, I would actually find it quite delicious. Atmosphere is everything. And cider probably helps.

Nevertheless, it was strange to first cover the fish in flour and then fry it, only to then cover it with cider and cook until it's soft and soggy. Same thing with the potatoes, why fry them until golden and crispy, and then cook them, why not the other way around?

We'll give it another try tomorrow; we'll cook the potatoes for 10 minutes or so in cider, and then fry them, and then fry the fish together with the apples. Not sure where Venus clams will go, either in the cider with the potatoes, or in the pan with the fish and apples. The combination of flavours worked perfectly well, in any case!

Served with Zarangollo Murciano, a nice, simple dish.

(edited 14th November 2012) (0) comment (0) useful  

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