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Culinaria Spain

Recent Reviews

Merluza a la Sidra / Hake with Cider reviewed by friederike

5th September 2012

So-so. While DH definitely wasn't enthousiast, I did see it's shortcomings, but I could also imagine that if I were served this in a cheap little restaurant somewhere on the Spanish coast, I would actually find it quite delicious. Atmosphere is everything....
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Zarangollo Murciano / Murcian Zucchini Stew reviewed by friederike

5th September 2012

A very nice, very simple dish. Watch out, don't let the zucchini/courgettes cook for too long! We served them alongside Hake with Cider, and this combination worked very well.
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Tarta de Santiago reviewed by friederike

9th January 2012

Very delicious! I had some problems with the short crust pastry (as usual). It didn't seem to come together that easily, but remembering this pastry, I ignored the suggestion to add some milk, and time proved me right. I did, however, leave it in...
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