Splendid Soups: Recipes and Master Techniques for Making the World's Best Soups

Cream or Veloute of Turnip Soup
Page 189
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
I am apparently completely obsessed with turnip soups at the moment. And this version was terrific. Thank you bacon.
Since this recipe doesn't specify baby turnips, Peterson adds a step (briefly adding thinly sliced turnips to boiling water, simmering for a minute or two, and then draining the turnips in a colander) to eliminate potential bitterness.
I made minimal changes to this recipe, primarily having to do with the prep. I figured I would find sliced turnips fairly cumbersome to saute with onions and bacon, so I chopped the sliced turnips into smaller pieces prior to the saute step. I also used an extra cup of stock since we tend to like thinner rather than thicker cream soups. The recipe called for a half cup of heavy cream -- I did 1/2 heavy cream and 1/2 half n' half.
The extra step of passing the pureed soup through a strainer gave this soup a lovely velvety texture. And the bacon was just killer -- in a good way -- here.
(edited 4th January 2012) (4) comment (3) useful
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