Great Coffee Cakes, Sticky Buns, Muffins & More: 200 Anytime Treats and Special Sweets for Morning to Midnight

Butter Crumb Coffee Cake
Page 40
| Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch
Recipe Reviews
skdouglass from Orcutt, CA
A not-too-sweet, uncomplicated, unyeasted coffeecake. A Sunday morning coffeecake. A koffee klatsch coffeecake. If you have a longish novel to hand, a make-it-while-you're-home-alone-and-eat-the-whole-thing-before-anyone-gets-home sort of coffeecake. A stop-whining-for-an-afternoon-snack-and-make-this sort of coffeecake.
The 13-year-old put this together, requiring help only with chopping nuts for the streusel and cracking the eggs because her arm is in a splint.
I doubled the recipe for an 11"x17" pan, and blithely set the timer for the longest cooking time. Even before the shortest cooking time had elapsed - significantly before - the bottom had burned. Even if you don't double, start checking doneness early.
Another bit of wisdom: multiply the streusel recipe and freeze it to have on hand for any emergency which could be ameliorated by the near instantaneous production of comfort carbs. I mean - to have on hand for any emergency. That last bit was redundant.
(edited 3rd February 2014) (0) comment (3) useful
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