The New Basics Cookbook

Salad of lamb, Barley, and Green Beans
Page 565
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Salads

Recipe Reviews
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
The mint vinaigrette really makes this a nice use for leftover roast lamb. (I left the tomatoes out of the vinaigrette and did not miss them.) I was not in the mood for green beans, so lined the plate with spinach leaves and put the barley on that. I also left out the small amount of yogurt and did not miss it. I also served it with the barley somewhat warm rather than chilled. Once the barley is cooked, this comes together rather quickly. I think this is flexible and you can add or subtract ingredients like I did to suit either your cupboard or taste.
(edited 15th January 2012) (1) comment (1) useful
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