Modern Moroccan
By Ghillie Bhasan
Hermes House - 2003
ISBN: 1846813840

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Modern Moroccan

Grilled Aubergine in Honey and Spices

Page 21

Cuisine: Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian | Course Type: Appetizers

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Tags: aubergine honey prepare in advance served cold

Recipe Review

24th July 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Very nice, though slightly sweet (though that was to be expected). Unfortunately, the spices don't really come through, next time I'd consider doubling those.

We served this with Tagine of Spiced Kefta with Lemon and Spices - a nice combination, but I did wonder if this was the reason the spices weren't noticeable, with both dishes resembling each other due to the large amount of lemon juice they contained.

What I liked about this dish is that you serve it cold, meaning it is something you can prepare in advance, especially practical when expecting guests.

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