Every Day

Sausages with caramelized onions and parmesan mash
Page 105
Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
digifish_books from Australia,
redjanet from London,
This was okay, but I wish I'd followed the advice of weaponxgirl in her previous review. I did this according to the recipe, expecting the red onions covered in brown sugar, olive oil, red wine vinegar and season to get more caramelised and the sauce to go syrupy. That didn't really happen and the sauce was very thin. The onions tasted nice and went well with the sausages, as did the extra ingredient of parmesan in my mash, but this wasn't particularly memorable.
(edited 27th June 2011) (0) comment (0) useful
weaponxgirl from norwich,
This was a brilliant meal, although I will admit to a few changes. My balsamic vinegar started to burn in the corners of my roasting dish, so the whole lot (minus the burnt bits) got poured into the pan with the sausages. Then I added a stock cube and enough water to come halfway up the sausages and shoved the lid on. What I ended up with was the best gravy ever right there in the pan. All the flavours were the same, and the chili made the gravy pop. Also with the flavour of the gravy you don't need to add parmesan to the mash. I'll make this again in the same way to save putting the oven on. Lush!
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