French Culinary Institute's Salute to Healthy Cooking

Poached Tangerines and Oranges
Page 260
Cuisine: French | Course Type: Desserts
Recipe Review
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
What a delightfully light and tasty dessert! I used the citrus I had on hand, ruby red grapefruit and navel oranges and it was lovely. The fruit is oh-so-briefly poached in a mix of light brown sugar, water, and cloves. The fruit is then removed, Grand Marnier is added to the liquid and it is reduced to a syrup than is then poured over the fruit. Slivers of crystallized ginger are then used to garnish the dish.
I made this first for a lunch dessert with soupereasy and we followed the directions pretty exactly although we again used the citrus on hand (oranges and grapefruits).
In making it for dessert last night I made a few minor changes, supreming the peeled fruit rather than slicing it. After poaching, the slices were not as visually appealing as the sectioned fruit in my opinion. Also, I added some crystallized ginger to the the poaching liquid, and reduced the amount used as topping because my husband likes ginger in smaller doses and he ended up liking just the hint of ginger. I also added some candied orange peel to the slivers of crystalized ginger for the topping.
Served with a dark sweet sherry that went really well with the dish.
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