The Bread Bible
By Rose Levy Beranbaum
W.W. Norton & Co. - 2003
ISBN: 0393057941

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The Bread Bible

Traditional Challah

Page 516

| Course Type: Breads

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Tags: honey

Recipe Reviews

31st March 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

This is a gorgeous bread, both in flavour and texture: it’s light and airy with the perfect level of sweetness for my family’s tastes.

The bread is enriched with eggs, oil and honey and takes a fair bit of time to make, but most of it is waiting time. It can be made in 1 day, which is what I did, but the dough can also be refrigerated at different stages if that’s more convenient…..this also helps to develop the flavour.

Though I’ve made challah before, I’ve never attempted a braid. I used the instructions on the King Arthur website for the 6-strand braid…..I think I should have practiced with cords first : ) Here's the link

I was hoping to have leftover challah for French toast but it wasn’t meant to be from this loaf…I’ll have to make another soon!

(edited 31st March 2012) (0) comment (0) useful  

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