Jeni's Splendid Ice Creams at Home
Roasted Strawberry & Buttermilk Ice Cream
Page 30
| Course Type: Desserts
Recipe Review
As usual Jeni's ice cream's do not disappoint. I held out on the last star only because the strawberry was a bit too weak in this recipe. The texture of the ice cream was excellent and the tang of the buttermilk was terrific against the subtle strawberry flavor. I considered adding the extra puree to the mix but as she cautions about the water content of the berries, I decided not to. Next time... and there will be a next time:)
hipcook - 5th July 2017
Have you ever made it with more strawberry puree? I feel exactly the same way (that it needs a bit more) and have exactly the same fear (that it'll go icy on me).
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