Blissful Bites: Vegan Meals That Nourish Mind, Body, and Planet
key-lime soy yogurt
Page 35
Recipe Reviews
snoopy from Alexandria, VA
My primary motivation for trying this recipe was to see if I could make a lower sugar version of store bought Key Lime Soy Yogurt. The verdict: I would stick with the store bought. This recipe had good tart limeyness, but it has as much or more sugar than the store kind. (this recipe uses maple syrup and the store kind uses evaporated cane juice, but that distinction doesn't make a big difference to me) To start off, I cut the maple syrup down by half. The lime flavor was good, but there was a strong tofu undertone. Adding the rest of the maple syrup called for did mask the tofu taste; however, at least the store bought has some probiotics with the sugar.
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