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World Vegan Feast: 200 Homestyle Recipes from 38 Countries

cashew sour cream

Page 33

(1 review)


Recipe Review

19th May 2012

snoopy from Alexandria, VA

I used the microwave option of this recipe and made the "yogurt" version. It was very simple. You make a nut milk in the blender, microwave it for a couple minutes until is starts to thicken, and then add some lemon juice and additional milk if needed to thin it out. The yogurt definately thickened in the microwave, but it was not super thick, so I did not add the additional milk. It thickened up more in the refrigerator to a thin yogurt (not greek yogurt) consistency.

Although I thought the technique was great, I was not so crazy about the final taste. This may just be me because cashew cream recipes seem to have exploded in popularity lately. The yogurt had an unpleasant aftertaste that I have noticed before with cashew recipes. All is not lost, though. I tried this again a few days later with almond milk, and I really liked the result.

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