The Mitsitam Cafe Cookbook: Recipes from the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian

Pork Pibil Tacos
Page 80
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Review
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
This Mayan pork dish was beautiful to put together and smelled heavenly. Chunks of pork are browned, and then braised for four hours at 300˚F. You add onion, garlic, jalapeno chilies, cumin, and oranges and lemons (wedges). So beautiful!
I made a bad decision by not leaving work to chill it - instead I allowed it to sit for 6 hours after cooking, in the warm oven. I think that prolonged heat pulled some off flavors from the citrus. Also, there was no cumin flavor.
So - next time - don't allow citrus to sit with the meat, double or triple the cumin, and don't do such a good job deseeding the jalapenos.
Note that traditionally this dish would have cooked in a fire pit. I think the dish has tremendous potential. I hope to try again, and revise my rating.
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