Sara Moulton Cooks at Home

Sofrito Clams or Mussels with Prosciutto
Page 151
| Course Type: Main Courses

Recipe Reviews
Zosia from Toronto, ON
Easy, tasty and elegant enough to serve to company, it was on the table in less than 30 minutes!
The cooking liquid for the clams or mussels (I used beautiful PEI mussels), which consists of cubed prosciutto, sofrito (a puree of aromatics, tomato and cilantro) and some white wine, was very easy to put together. The mussels steamed in this mixture and helped to create a delicious, flavourful broth.
Though I loved the dish, I did find that the prosciutto, which is first sautéed in olive oil, was a little tough and chewy. Its flavour is important to the finished broth so I wouldn’t want to omit it…perhaps skipping the sauté step would help.
I used the author’s suggestion and served it with crusty bread and a salad…….a perfect meal for a hot (almost) summer’s day!
(edited 20th June 2012) (0) comment (0) useful
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