The Sweet Melissa Baking Book: Recipes from the Beloved Bakery for Everyone's Favorite Treats

Lemon Icebox Cake with Fresh Strawberry Sauce
Page 208
| Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Reviews
Oh my, this is delicious! The "cake" (we always referred to this type dessert as icebox pie) is stand alone wonderful and does't need the strawberry sauce, in fact I preferred it without. This dessert is also beautiful, and much less complicated than it looks, making it perfect for a BBQ or dinner party. The hitch is you have to let it sit out about 5-10 minutes and then serve fast! I didn't want to serve it straight out of the freezer and I didn't want it to melt on the plate with either. Another hint - it is much easier to store it away (in the freezer) if you don't get fancy with the meringue (Sweet M. just spreads it evenly a top the cake). I made little tufts and curly cues and then had to wrap very carefully as not to squish. I thought I was being so cute, hah! Can be made ahead of course since it lives in the freezer anyway.
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