Chez Panisse Café Cookbook
By Alice L. Waters
William Morrow Cookbooks - 1999
ISBN: 0060175834

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Chez Panisse Café Cookbook

Simple Cured Pork Chops

Page 154

| Course Type: Main Courses

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22nd July 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

This isn't much of a recipe, merely a method of preparation, but it's so easy and provides such consistent results, it deserves a high rating.

I often use this technique on loin pork chops which are leaner than other cuts and which are sometimes tricky to cook without drying out. All you do is season the meat with salt & pepper and let it rest overnight. Grill the meat indoors or outside and you'll be rewarded with tender, juicy chops that taste as though they've been seasoned with something far more complex.

This is one of my family’s favourites.

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