The Cake Bible
By Rose Levy Beranbaum
William Morrow Cookbooks - 1988
ISBN: 0688044026

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The Cake Bible

Chestnut Sand Cake

Page 42

(1 review)


Recipe Reviews

19th October 2011

Anne in NC

This is my favorite cake of all time. It's texture is unlike any other cake -- extremely moist, but not in any way dense. I'm sure it's due to the combination of bread flour (for protein) and chestnut flour. It looks like a normal cake "crumb," but it's mouthfeel is completely unique and wonderful.

I made this for a birthday at my work, which was a little risky. When people asked how I might describe the flavor, I said to imagine "sour cream praline" -- it was the only way I could describe it without using "chestnut." Everyone who had it went into immediate fits of extacy.

It is my policy to never make the same cake twice (because there are so many cakes I want to make), but this one cake I have made more than once.

It is fabulous frosted and unfrosted. I served it as a layer cake, and I made it in little bread pans and ate it sliced. It is absolutely magnificent, and it is completely unlike any other cake you will ever eat.

I posted links under the "Links" tab to pictures of both the "little breads" and the layer cake I made so you can see the cake if you care to.

(edited 19th October 2011) (0) comment (2) useful  

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