The Union Square Cafe Cookbook: 160 Favorite Recipes from New York's Acclaimed Restaurant

Shrimp with "Gazpacho" Sauce
Page 156
Cuisine: Spanish/Portugese | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
This was a pleasant change of pace with very nice summery flavors. The gazpacho sauce is simple and can be done ahead. It is strained after cooking (which I did) but it would be fine I think to just leave it a bit chunky after the blending stage. I replaced the jalapeno with some Asian chili paste since I sometimes find the former to be a bit harsh for my taste.
I did mess up by not noticing that the oil amount is divided and used in three different steps (not mentioned in ingredient list) -- so I added all the oil to the strained sauce instead of reserving some for cooking the shrimp. I ended up being glad I'd made that mistake because after the sauce sat a bit the oil -- now gazpacho flavored -- rose to the top and I skimmed off more than enough to cook the shrimp in; I think it added another layer of flavor.
Served over Israeli couscous to which I'd stirred in some of the sauce as well since I followed my usual practice of making a full recipe of the sauce even if I am only doing half the number of servings. Served with a Spanish rose.
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