The Kitchen Is the Heart of the Home Cookbook

Raspberry Cheese Coffee Cake
Page 88
Cuisine: North American | Course Type: Breakfast/Brunch

Recipe Reviews
Peckish Sister from Central, FL
The batter for the crust is ridiculously buttery. My springform pan is a little loose, and I am glad I placed it on rimmed baking sheet asd melted butter oozed out. It doesn't say what size of springfrom pan to use, but it turnes out well in my medium-sized one. It is difficult to spread out the very soft crust and get it to go up the sides of the pan. It pulled away when I used a spatula and I found fingers dipped in flour worked the best. I substitute small cut up chunks of guava puree and sometimes use walnuts for the sliced almonds. I have had to write myself a note in the cookbook that a half cup of jam or guava as well as a half cup of nuts are really enough. If you don't use the raspberry jam, substitute vanilla for the almond extract. You will be surprised at how pretty it turns out, and also how that crust puffs up and ends up tasting like a normal coffee cake.
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