Website: Smitten Kitchen

Mediterranean Baked Feta with Tomatoes and Olives
Cuisine: Mediterranean | Course Type: Appetizers

Tags: summer entertaining local
Recipe Reviews
aj12754 from Montclair, NJ
This was great. I served it to guests who ate every bit of it up. I used cherry tomatoes of various colors and broke the feta up since I was using a shallow harvest gold baking/serving dish and thought it would be easier to serve and eat that way. It was a very pretty presentation when the dish came to the table.
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Different and delicious! I've been on a campaign to use our tomatoes, and so prepared a dinner of appetizers. This dish (slightly adapted from the new new Sprouted Kitchen Cookbook) takes a chunk of feta, and covers it in a mixture of tomatoes, chopped Kalmata olives, olive oil, garlic, red onion, and spices. The tomato mixture is scattered over the feta and baked for about 20 minutes.
I substituted quartered small plum tomatoes for the cherries and it worked well.
Instead of crostini, I used a fresh loaf of ciabatta bread.
Really delicious. The flavors come together in an amazing way. This would be a guest-worthy appetizer, and it made my family feel quite special.
(edited 30th August 2012) (2) comment (2) useful
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