My Berlin Kitchen: A Love Story (with Recipes)

Peperoni al Forno Conditi
Page 31
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Salads
Recipe Reviews
kateq from annapolis, md
First, let me rave about this method of roasting peppers. No turning a skewered pepper over an open flame (mess on stove) or charring the peppers under the broiler (bitter burning smell throughout the house). Ms. Weiss simply roasts whole peppers in a moderate oven for about an hour, turning them periodically--the way, she says, it is done by her relatives in Italy. I did it her way and the results were spectacular. No bitter smell (a sweet smell actually), no mess, no paper bags, no bits of charred skin everywhere. The peppers peeled so easily and the resulting strips of roasted pepper were velvety and sweet and delicious.
As to the salad, I used all red peppers, skipped the breadcrumbs, added some fresh arugula and some pasta and some parmesan. It was Fabulous! and I believe that a big part of why the salad is so delicious is that the peppers are absolutely ethereal roasted this way.
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