Website: Cooking Light

Pork Carnitas with Caramelized Onion and Chipotle
Cuisine: Mexican | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
NSane from , CA
Rating - 5 - Amazing, can't wait to have this again.
This is one of the best Cooking Light recipes I have ever made. The marinade for the pork doesn't seem like much, but it works. Sometimes for Cooking Light recipes, I find I have to add more oil to make it cook properly. This was not the case here, and I only tweaked a couple of tiny things.
I brown the pork in two batches in order to not crowd the pan. I also cook the onions down for 10 minutes just to make them soften more. I also add an extra chipotle to give it more heat, but that's just because we like spicy food in our house.
This makes great leftovers!!
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