By Angela Boggiano
Cassell Illustrated - 2006
ISBN: 1844035484

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Smoked Fish and Cider Pie

Page 73

Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)
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Tags: cooking with alcohol smoked fish pie cider quiches pies and tarts fish pie

Recipe Reviews

16th October 2012

friederike from Berlin,

My first impression was that the puff pastry was nice, but that other than that, I prefered our usual fish pie, a somewhat simple family recipe. That is until I found myself taking a second helping. And a tiny third one, too. And licking my plate. Twice. I guess now there's no denying that I really liked it. I even considered a 5 star rating, but DH vetoed that, saying it's too unrefined to serve to guests. But that depends on which guests, doesn't it?

He used significantly more salt that indicated, which might be due to how sweet the cider is (we used Strongbow). And I'll concede that once you cut the pie, its presentation is all but elegant.

Edited 25 April 2014:
I vaguely remembered that we used a smoked fish last time that didn't work well because it had a too strong individual flavour - but was is smoked mackerel or smoked trout? This time I used smoked herring, and that worked perfectly.

(edited 28th April 2014) (0) comment (1) useful  

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