
Grießbrei (German Semolina Pudding)

Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
For a month, my daughter has been remembering the Cream of Wheat she was served in a German school when she was in 2nd grade. She asked me to recreate that special meal for her birthday breakfast.
Despite my well-honed google skills, I couldn't figure out how they prepared this in Germany. Out of desperation, I sent an email to Luisa Weiss, who has both a blog and is author of My Berlin Kitchen. She was so kind to reply almost immediately, suggesting this recipe as very close. The cream of wheat is cooked in milk, with sugar and vanilla. After it thickens and cools slightly, sugar and cinnamon are sprinkled on top, and about a tablespoon of milk is poured on top.
It absolutely hit the mark. My dear daughter, who turns 14 today, started the day with a big smile on her face, and her tummy full of a delicious creamy breakfast.
(edited 22nd October 2012) (0) comment (0) useful
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