The Cake Bible
By Rose Levy Beranbaum
William Morrow Cookbooks - 1988
ISBN: 0688044026

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The Cake Bible

Strawberry Maria

Page 184

| Course Type: Cakes

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Tags: chocolate genoise fruit cloud cream

Recipe Reviews

21st October 2012

Zosia from Toronto, ON

Moist chocolate cake with ethereal strawberry cream – the perfect birthday cake for my mother.

The components of the cake have been reviewed separately here and here. The chocolate génoise and the cloud cream were a wonderful match for each other both in flavour and texture. Neither component was intensely flavoured, either with chocolate or strawberry so one did not overshadow the other, but rather complemented the other perfectly. The overall texture was delicate and airy; the cake was a delicious ending to a special meal.

I made the optional filigree chocolate band which was easier than I thought it would be…..the most challenging part was finding a level stretch of counter that was long enough – kitchen table to the rescue!

Though consisting of a few elements, apart from the strawberry purée for the cloud cream which I made in advance, the components were made and the cake assembled within just a few hours, not nearly as arduous a task as some of the other cakes in this author’s books. I’d love to make this with raspberry next!

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