Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cook Book
By Yan-Kit So
Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd - 1987
ISBN: 0863182593

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Yan Kit's Classic Chinese Cookbook
By Yan-Kit So
Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd - 2006
ISBN: 1405316942

Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cookbook (DK Living)
By Yan-Kit So
Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd - 1998
ISBN: 0751305634

DK Living: Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cookbook
By Yan-kit So
DK ADULT - 1998
ISBN: 0789433001

Yan-Kit's Classic Chinese Cook Book

Fish in a Wine Sauce (酒溜魚片, jiǔ liū yúpiàn)

Page 211

Cuisine: Chinese | Course Type: Main Courses

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Tags: fish chinese cooking chinese mushrooms

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21st October 2012

friederike from Berlin,

So-so. It tasted of salt and little else. And yet, I could see it working if you reduce the amount of salt and serve it as part of a larger buffet with several aromatic dishes to which this dish will serve as a contrast.

Fun facts:
I was a little stumped with the Chinese characters. The first one means 'wine, alcoholic beverage'; the third and fourth mean 'fish fillet'. The second, however, came up as 'slide, glide, slip; to skate, escape' - while I can see why you would use some of these adjectives for a fish dish, the meaning didn't make sense for the title of the dish. That is until I discovered a nearly identical character with the exact same pronounciation that is sometimes spelled like the character above, and means 'to steam / quick-fry / stir-frying, but with cornstarch added'

(edited 13th December 2012) (0) comment (1) useful  

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