River Cottage Veg Every Day! (River Cottage Every Day)

North African squash and chickpea stew
Page 30
Cuisine: Moroccan/Algerian/Tunisian | Course Type: Soups and Stews
Recipe Review
Sovay from Northern England,
I chopped the squash smaller than suggested to make a soup, since that's how the recipe started out according to Hugh F-W's notes. Very pleased with the result - subtly spicy with lots of other flavours as well, and for once I actually appreciated the flavour of cinnamon in a savoury dish (normally I don't, and replace it with cumin). Next time I'll omit the saffron (which doesn't make any real impact in terms of either taste or colour) and probably also the pasta, which I felt made it a bit too substantial as a soup though would probably work well if you were having it as a main meal.
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