Trader Vic's Tiki Party!: Cocktails and Food to Share with Friends

Crab Rangoon
Page 130
Cuisine: Other | Course Type: Appetizers
Recipe Reviews
skdouglass from Orcutt, CA
My daughter and I made the first batch strictly according to the recipe.
As with all food in the dumpling category, they were fussy and laborious to assemble. But you know that before you start any dumpling project. Don't hold it against this recipe.
What you can object to - after all that work - is the ultra bland result. If you consider the recipe to be a technique + a jumping off point for flavoring according to your need/whim, this is as good a place to begin as any. Or if you have some Asian-ish dipping sauces you want to showcase, these could also do for you.
After frying up the first batch and wiping away our tears of disappointment, we goosed the remaining filling with some dry mustard, some chili flakes, salt, and some thinly sliced green onion. And suddenly we have something worth eating and a new recipe to put in the family book.
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