Bouchon Bakery
Recipe Review
Zosia from Toronto, ON
This recipe for Bouchon’s “all-purpose” brioche dough produces a beautifully textured, buttery bread.
4 recipes are provided, each with a different yield, each intended for a specific baked item. All of them make very small amounts of dough, which my stand mixer doesn’t like very much; I chose to make the Nanterre (loaves) and the Tropézienne so combined the ingredient amounts.
The method is typical for making brioche with the butter incorporated gradually after the dough has been kneaded for some time. No sponge is required. After a period of fermentation at room temperature, the dough is refrigerated overnight.
As with the other recipes in this book, this one is written with much attention to detail. However, it’s also written for a KitchenAid Artisan mixer, which I don’t own, so I had to make some alterations to the kneading time/speed setting.
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