Bouchon Bakery
Recipe Review
Zosia from Toronto, ON
This is not so much a recipe as it is instructions for shaping and baking this brioche dough after it has been refrigerated overnight.
The dough is divided into small portions, rolled into balls and placed in greased loaf pans, 6 pieces per pan. As with other brioche doughs, it’s very easy to work with while still chilled from the fridge but it does soften and become slightly sticky as it warms up.
After a long proofing time and a relatively quick baking time, you are rewarded with 2 beautiful golden brown loaves. The bread is light and airy, yet buttery and rich tasting. I’ve decided that I prefer the less buttery Ottolenghi recipe but this is still an excellent loaf.
Queezle_Sister - 29th November 2012
I should know better than to look at your reviews toward the end of the day - you've made me quite hungry! Just beautiful.
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