The Science of Good Cooking (Cook's Illustrated Cookbooks)

Foolproof Vinaigrette
Page 316
| Course Type: Salad Dressings
Tags: quick CI cooking concept
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
This recipe is a pretty standard vinaigrette - with wine vinegar, shallot, and olive oil. This recipe demonstrates Cooking Concept # 36 - Emulsifiers make smooth sauces. The two emulsifiers in this salad dressing are mustard and a tiny bit of mayonnaise. It held as a single phase (not separate oil and vinegar phases) for at least 15 minutes - pretty impressive.
I generally shun commercial mayo. But here it was pretty smart, as it allowed the dressing to be highly emulsified while not having the dressing over-powered by mustard.
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