BakeWise: The Hows and Whys of Successful Baking with Over 200 Magnificent Recipes
Serious Stuff Gingerbread
Page 84
| Course Type: Cakes
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Shirley does it again! The texture on this gingerbread cake is about as perfect as I can imagine - moist and springy, chewy without being tough. It's dead easy and quick to make. Spice-wise, it is indeed "serious stuff" - my 5-year-old finds it "funny tasting." I was using blackstrap molasses and I'm glad I ran a little short; I think that flavor might have gotten excessive for my taste.
I'm tempted to play with sauce or icing options on this one, but the right play might be to stay simple and go with whipped cream or vanilla ice cream.
(edited 14th January 2013) (0) comment (0) useful
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