The Indian Slow Cooker: 50 Healthy, Easy, Authentic Recipes
Spiced Cauliflower and Potatoes (Aloo Gobi)
Page 91
Cuisine: Indian | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Review
kateq from annapolis, md
This shouldn't work--but it does and it's absolutely delicious. It's a heap of raw vegetables (about 12 cups all told), 5 tablespoons of potent spices and a mere 3 tablespoons of oil--and after 3 hours in the slow cooker, there's this wonderful juicy lush aromatic stew. I ate just a bit the day I made it. It was a full meal the next day and even better having spent a night in the fridge. It's amazing how substantial a meal this makes, and the addition of the fresh cilantro at the last moment makes an extraordinary difference. I made exactly as written, but for omitting the Thai chiles (a little more heat than I wanted) and subbing some chopped green chiles. Results in 4 very generous servings. I used the garam masala from Madhur Jaffrey's "Taste of India."
Queezle_Sister - 9th January 2013
I am really enjoying all your reviews of Indian foods!
And I have been thinking that my slow cooker cookbook is terribly boring - and after reading your review, I now KNOW it is. I'll look for this book in our library.
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