marie claire - Snacks & Drinks.

Mini Tiramisu
Page 173
Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Desserts
Tags: muffins coffee sweet finger food tiramisu
Recipe Reviews
friederike from Berlin,
Excellent in taste, but a lot of work with a lot of complicated steps, and the recipe definitely needed some tweaking on our side.
The coffee syrup was the most obvious part: if we had followed the recipe to the letter, we would have ended up with muffins drenched in an enormous amount of liquid. Instead we boiled down the coffee to a syrup, added about half of the Tia Maria and boiled that down again, and then added just a lacing of Tia Maria for taste - and yet, the bottoms of the muffins were slightly soggy, but not too bad. Perhaps it might be a good idea to pour the syrup on the inside of the muffin tops instead of the bases - that way they will sit on top of the cream, and will therefore soaked up by the muffin cap, without being able to make the bottom soggy. Maybe?
Also (minor issue), the baking time was 20 minutes, not 10-12.
I also made a mistake and had to begin all over again; I added what I thought was just a bit warmer than lukewarm coffee - the batter thought otherwise and decided to clot. Be warned.
Served these with Goat's Cheese Canapées with Pears, Parmesan Cookies, Marinated Feta with Olives, Engadin Walnut Tartlets and Meringue Towers with Rose Cream
Afterthought: I found this recipe for Tiramisu Cupcakes somebody has indexed - I might actually give it a try, if we happen to make something like that again.
(edited 3rd February 2013) (0) comment (0) useful
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