By Jane Lawson
Uitgeverij Terra Lannoo - 2011
ISBN: 9789089893826

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Moroccan Aubergine with Couscous / Marokkaanse aubergine met couscous

Page 38

Cuisine: Middle Eastern | Course Type: Salads

(1 review)

Tags: aubergine couscous side

Recipe Reviews

30th January 2013

friederike from Berlin,

I wasn't impressed. The salad contained capers, which I don't like; apart from that (trying to be objective here), I thought they were too sour for the salad and too strong a contrast, but without them, the salad was just bland. The spices gave a nice taste, but they didn't manage to make it interesting. DH suggests using harissa or something similar for more oomph; I think the idea of capers, as in a separate ingredient that you can chew on, works best, just not as sour as capers - soaked raisins maybe?

That said, it could work as a simple side dish, where it would work by complementing the main dish, not as a dish on its own.

(edited 30th January 2013) (0) comment (0) useful  

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