Werken met vis
By Bart van Olphen
Amsterdam Carrera - 2012
ISBN: 9789048816217

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Werken met vis


Page 232

| Course Type: Sauces/Gravies

(1 review)

Tags: sauce mayonnaise aioli

Recipe Reviews

8th March 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Hard to rate. We started out whisking it with a fork; unfortunately, the sauce started to curdle. As we didn't have any eggs leftover, we added a spoon of mayonnaise in an attempt to rescue the sauce. Also, we switched to an electric handmixer. It looked good ad first, but later on it curdled again and made an enormous oily mess on our plates. Also, 1 tsp of salt is much too much - add half and then taste first (actually I do this all the time, but apparently DH doesn't).

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