Pie in the Sky Successful Baking at High Altitudes: 100 Cakes, Pies, Cookies, Breads, and Pastries Home-tested for Baking at Sea Level, 3,000, 5,000, 7,000, and 10,000 feet (and Anywhere in Between).

Alpine Angel Cake
Page 166
| Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
Perhaps I just don't like angel-food cake? This is the first one I've ever prepared, and I had to go buy a pan to prepare it. The instructions were good, and I fared fine despite having to use a hand mixer (no stand mixer). The front piece was very interesting -- the problem with angel food cake at high altitude is that our lower pressure can make the air bubbles pop. Therefore, one doesn't beat the whites quite a much, allowing each bubble to have a thicker egg white shell.
The cake cooked fine, came out of the pan, etc. It seemed a bit sticky, and even the teenagers felt it was too sweet. I prepared a sauce with sour cherries, which helped, but not enough to bring this into the "make again" category.
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