Website: Baking Bites
Raspberry-Kiwi Coffee Cake
| Course Type: Cakes
Recipe Reviews
Queezle_Sister from Salt Lake City, UT
This was a perfectly respectable coffee cake, but it wasn't anything all that special. I am faced with too many kiwi (impulse buy at costco), and was intrigued with the idea of baking with them. This recipe makes a large coffee cake (9 x 13 inch pan), a very standard recipe with butter milk. We substituted frozen blackberries for the raspberries. The blackberries ended up at the bottom of the cake (probably raspberries would have done better), and the kiwis basically disappeared.
On the plus side, 14-daughter was able to make this almost all by herself. The instructions were good, and one could do a lot worse than this simple cake.
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