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Mario Batali Simple Italian Food: Recipes from My Two Villages

Sautéed Spicy Peppers with Marjoram Vinaigrette

Page 240

Cuisine: Italian | Course Type: Sides

(1 review)
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Recipe Reviews

28th April 2013

Zosia from Toronto, ON

This is a tasty variation of simply cooked peppers and onions dressed with a vinaigrette: the inclusion of jalapeños adds heat and the balsamic vinegar in the dressing keeps it on the sweet side.

I didn't have all of the different colours of sweet peppers called for and didn't know what Italian frying peppers were (described as banana-shaped....but sweet or hot?) so used only the red peppers I had on hand. A 1/2 recipe of the dressing was enough to flavour the vegetables.

I made it primarily as a component for this fish dish, but it was delicious as an omelette filling as well.

(edited 28th April 2013) (0) comment (0) useful  

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