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Chinese Cuisine: Cantonese Style

Shrimp in Soy Sauce (生抽焗中蝦, shēng​chōujúzhōngxiā)

Page 52

Cuisine: Chinese | Course Type: Main Courses

(1 review)

Tags: shrimp soy sauce

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4th May 2013

friederike from Berlin,

Dried out and not very strong in flavour. The recipes says you need to cook the shrimp for 5 minutes, which is too long and will result in overcooked shrimp. However, they didn't take up the flavour of the sauce in that time, so that doesn't seem to be long enough. Perhaps you need to marinate them in soy sauce first, then pat dry discard the marinade; stir-fry the shrimp on high heat for just 1-2 minutes until they're done and add a new sauce at the very last moment.

The title of the dish translates as 'shrimp roasted in the middle of soy sauce' (actually soy sauce - roast - in the middle - shrimp).

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