New English Kitchen: Changing the Way You Shop, Cook and Eat

Braised Sausages with Cider and Hot Potato Salad
Page 221
Cuisine: English/Scottish | Course Type: Main Courses
Recipe Reviews
Pleasant technique. Braised sausages take longer than panfried, and you don't get the same browning, but they do require less attention and cook up moist and tender. A quick browning before or after the braise might be called for.
I've braised a ton of sausages in beer; cider has a more delicate flavor, but the apple note is clear and goes nicely with a mildly-spaced sausage. I'll remember that.
The hot potato salad was pretty good. My wife added pan juices to the dressing, which was a great choice which tied the dishes together and added a bit of complexity to the dressing.
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